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why doesn't anyone write back or answer your mail..
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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject: why doesn't anyone write back or answer your mail..

i have sent lots of messages out to folks . but why does no one write back to me. am i the only one on here . we all suffer with shyness , and something in ourlives. wouldn't mind if i got mail saying they weren't interested in me . but to ignore i could never ever do that. or just to delete the message without reading it. we all came on here to make friends. we know some of us live a longway off . but i see no harm in being friends with someone...
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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject:

Not ironically, this post has over 50 views and yet no responses... lol

Hey man, it happens on all the sites for whatever reason. The forums are dead. The chats are dead. And emails never even get read, let alone responded to, most of the time.

It's a shame too, because this site seemed like it would be a good place to meet like-minded people my age. But I guess there just arent enough of us out there, eh?

Many of the less-intellectual sites are bustling with activity...endless chatter about S-- and drugs and such. Sad.
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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject:

Nearly 3 months on, and i'm the first person to post since 4th Feb!

I've sent messages to 2 people this week, and they've remained unread, i'm not worried though, they can reply whenever they want to...if at all!

I've been shy for most of my life, but as i've got older, it seems to get worse, sometimes i wonder if i'll ever find Miss Right. Coming on here was a last ditch attempt, and social situations scare the hell out of me, and i'm not the sort to go out clubbing!

Wonder how long it will take for someone to post after me!
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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject:

Though there doesn't appear to be much legitimate activity on this site, there have been a number of posts since then, just not on this thread. I guess people don't have anything to say about this subject. Not being an active site, we can't expect a lot of responses. It would be nice if people would use this as a support system, though, rather than just tease and play games like all the other dating sites. This site has the potential to truly help individuals, but they must reach out for that help. No one is going to knock on their door and force it down their throat. Use this site to deal with your own personal issues, and then, maybe, someone will rise out of the crowd. If you are just using it as a dating site, you'll have to weed through the fake profiles first and will probably end up frustrated.
Good luck.
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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject:

Their is also the possibility that people register with these sites and then forget about it, i've done that in the past, but going to stick with this as it has possibilitys to be a great site.

How long has this place been going for?

I stumbled upon this site through another "passions" site, and appears to be the only free dating site around, i'm fed up with being ripped off by dating sites that take advantage of you just because your single.

Anyway rant over, and just for the record, i'm one of the genuine ones
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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject:

I have no idea how long this site has been in existence, but I posted the first posting in their forum last October. They may have just started the forum then, though.
Actually, there are many other free sites, but most have very little action. Some of the profiles may be years old. You can find them by googling free dating. You just have to weed through the ones that are truly free and the ones that are only free to list a profile. Most sites are very deceptive, including the big name ones. It would be nice if they'd be totally upfront before requiring a profile to be posted. Other than the low activity and old, inactive profiles on these free sites, they are also magnets to worldwide scammers, especially from Russia and Africa. You can pretty much delete any email from those locations. It is a shame to write off total populations, but the percentage of scammers from there is so high that it isn't worth the gamble. There are also a lot of women from the Philippines who are seeking American husbands. I don't get the impression that they are scamming, but they do expect you to cover all the costs, which can be extremely expensive. Check into it before getting involved with someone from any foreign country.
You may want to give people on this site the benefit of the doubt, thinking that they just haven't returned to the site, yet any time you send messages to people, they are sent a notice through their regular email. You would think they'd either delete their profile or have the courtesy to email back and say they aren't interested. The majority of people on these dating sites think only of themselves and their convenience. I personally will respond to anyone who takes the time to send me a legitimate message, as long as I don't have to pay for a membership to respond. I got tired of paying for memberships and having women ignore any messages I sent them.
Best wishes that you find what you seek. There is a lot of garbage to dig through online, but there are some legitimate people out there. Don't assume that people's insensitivity and lack of consideration is a statement about you. Just keep looking till that special one rises out of the crowd.
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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject:

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former member default image - bird flying away

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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject:

Well sure I'll be happy to know of such a dating site.;-p
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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject: i dunno..

seems when i try to talk to someone, i'm either thought as being "too nice" and used, or just being do u get away from that?
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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject: Re: why doesn't anyone write back or answer your mail..

coolguyred2006 wrote: i have sent lots of messages out to folks . but why does no one write back to me. am i the only one on here . we all suffer with shyness , and something in ourlives. wouldn't mind if i got mail saying they weren't interested in me . but to ignore i could never ever do that. or just to delete the message without reading it. we all came on here to make friends. we know some of us live a longway off . but i see no harm in being friends with someone... I have emailed other members and they have not replied like you i would like a reply even if its to say they don't want to be friends. Then you will know and not be waiting for a reply!

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July 2, 2007
Posts: 2

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hey i know that happens on a lot of websites. i'll talk to you if you want to , iam new. so just write me.

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former member default image - bird flying away

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February 5, 2012
Posts: 48

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`Wait the last post was 5 years ago? You don't see such threads everyday! AND this thrad is on frontpage of general discussion.

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January 14, 2007
Posts: 11

PostPosted:     Post subject: Re: why doesn't anyone write back or answer your mail..
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coolguyred2006 wrote: i have sent lots of messages out to folks . but why does no one write back to me. am i the only one on here . we all suffer with shyness , and something in ourlives. wouldn't mind if i got mail saying they weren't interested in me . but to ignore i could never ever do that. or just to delete the message without reading it. we all came on here to make friends. we know some of us live a longway off . but i see no harm in being friends with someone... Yes i have the same problem and it gets on my nerves when members dont reply. I have been on shy passions for 5 years now soyou can see how many i have emailed and dont reply. It just sucks!

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